July 10 Port & Hartford

We had planned to take the bikes to go to my sister’s in Hartford for a cookout today. Before we finally headed out we saw rain on the radar heading east the full length of the state, so it appeared we would get wet at some point no matter what. Kevin packed the rain gear, and I decided to take us east/southeast away from where the rain was coming from with hopes we would at least make it to Port Washington by the time it got to us, so we could take refuge somewhere if needed. I really didn’t have a route planned and just winged it zig-zagging our way to Port. When we stopped in Port to figure out which way to take from there to get to Hartford we also check the radar since we just endured a few sprinkles. Lucky for us it was breaking up and what was left was north of us. We had a very nice visit and meal with Lori, Dave and Cleo. No pictures, only the map below.

© The Taminator 2015