Sept 16 Horicon


Today we planned to ride again after I got done with church which wasn’t until 11:30 so I asked Kevin to meet me at my place. As yesterday, again we had no destination planned but we wanted to stop for lunch first off. For that I originally planned to go to the Outpost in Sherwood, but changed my mind as we were approaching Sunset on The Water and remembered they had good food and we were already hungry. Plus we could then avoid having to drive through Neenah and Oshkosh in this heat and humidity. Today the goal was to try and stay moving as much as possible. We watched some of the first half of the Packers vs. Vikings game while at Sunset and although we were ahead at that time, we seemed to be struggling and it looked to be a questionable game. Apparently it remained tied in overtime. After leaving Sunset I took us back through/around Fondy to River Road south of of Hwy 151 and other back roads taking us through Brownsville and the Horicon Marsh, dropping south on Cty I to Hwy 26 almost all of the way into Watertown before heading east and then north with hopes to connect to Horicon to stop at an ice-cream place there and well, low and behold we ended up heading straight into Horicon and we stopped at The Ice Cream Station for cream and a cool down. From there we headed north on mostly back roads before connecting onto Hwy 175 back to town. Not a whole lot of miles or pictures but always a good day when I can get in some seat time on the bike!

© The Taminator 2015