June 9 Briggsville

I was signed up this morning for the Walleye Weekend Run/Walk with a group of employees from work. After doing that I was probably going to run a bunch of errends, etc. since I had been out of town for work the past three days. However, I told Kevin maybe I would ride a bit in the afternoon and to stay in touch. He sent me a message and I decided to leave the errands for later in the day because it was so nice out. However, I also had planned a long ride from earlier in the week for tomorrow the weather was supposed to better on Sunday.

Neither of us had eaten lunch so I suggested Kevin meeting me at my place and then head to Princeton to eat lunch at Jillian’s, which we did. From there I planned to head west on J and eventually south to Briggsville before heading back for home. 

We seen lots of deer in the fields around the western portion of our ride and near the road. Luckily none of them were running and turned away upon our approach if they were close to road. We thought maybe the mosquitoes were bad and that is why they weren’t hanging in the woods. Not sure? 

On our way back we stopped in Waupun for some ice-cream at Guth’s End of the Trail. Yum!

Only 150 today. And a good thing I decided to ride today, hence weather people were totally wrong about Sunday's weather and none of us went anywhere on the bikes that day.

© The Taminator 2015