June 24 Rosendale Breakfast

I was only available to ride on Sunday this weekend so we planned to attend the Rosendale/FDL County Breakfast on the Farm at the Wiese Dairy Farm west of Rosendale on County M. Scott joined us. We met at my place at 9 a.m. to head there. They didn’t have any designated motorcycle parking, however, the Sherriff Deputy I spoke to directing the parking traffic told me to go ahead and park on the driveway to the farm and to tell them he said it was okay. We did and nobody even bothered to ask us any questions. There were already some other bikes parked in that area. We unlike them, parked on the pavement though. Brad Schimel, Wisconsin Attorney General and Eric Toney, Fond du Lac District Attorney were both on hand to meet/greet attendees in line for food. We ran into three G&L employees and I saw a few Michels ones as well. 

Finally, after looking at everything, most importantly the goats, we got back on the bikes to continue on the route I had planned. We took a lot of roads Kevin and I have never been on before and we seen quite a few does. One with her baby fawn about to cross the road ahead of us, but turned back when we approached. I think I took a red-winged blackbird out earlier during the ride. It flew right in front of the bike and by the time Kevin saw it, he said it was laying in the road. Ugh! We eventually ended up in Princeton which worked out great for me since I was too full for ice-cream at the breakfast and it didn’t seem to bother the guys to have ice-cream again. So we stopped at All In Good Taste. We sat at the picnic table in the shade at the bank next door for quite a while before pressing on for the remainder of the route. It only turned out to be 150 miles, but that was okay since we spent quite a while at the farm and chatting in Princeton. 

© The Taminator 2015