July 8 Port

Kevin and I planned to ride today and not an all day one. Didn’t make a pre-planned route and Kevin suggested going to Port Washington for lunch. We had a later morning start but arrived in Port right around 12:30. Upon leaving Fredonia to head to Port the temps dropped 10 degrees and that felt really good. It was warm today, however without really high dew points. Still gets warm pretty quick riding through towns with the gear on. Always a good call to head towards Lake Michigan on the warmer days. 

I suggested we try out the new BBQ restaurant opened in Port that will also be opening another location in Fondy soon, which we read about in the local paper, Yummy Bones. I could have eaten the pulled pork without any sauce. It was very tasty all by itself. I have had worse BBQ down south during some of my travels. Can’t wait until they open in town!

From there we stuck close to Lake Michigan up to Sheboygan and from t here took back roads by Elkhart and into Glenbuelah. I decided to take one last stop for a stretch, drink of water and cool down in Buela by the old mill dam. Water was so clear we spotted more than a dozen crayfish.

Another awesome day for riding. Only 130 miles this trip though.

© The Taminator 2015