Sept 6 Chilton

I was finally able to connect with one of my former high school classmates who rides bikes, Michelle, and her husband, Tim, for a ride. They wanted to check out the Crafty Apple in Chilton and I was curious too now that it has been around for more than a few years and the first one I attended was a disappointment pretty much. Well come to find out my niece Kadie Jo was going to be there too selling her Pink Zebra. I met up with Michelle and Tim in the main G&L parking lot around 11. It was a bit brisk with clouds and wind but still pretty gorgeous day for a ride. We took highways there and back, no back roads today and that is okay. Just very nice to finally spend time with them and hang out! We made a stop at the Little Farmer on our way back because we did not see any apple treats at the Crafty Apple as they advertised. No problem, the Little Farmer never disappoints and besides they had goats! No map and not sure on miles today either. Just one picture….

© The Taminator 2015