October 8 Waupaca

Sunday was supposed to be a great day for riding and luckily for me since I volunteered at our company's breakfast and pumpkin decorating Mi-Family event on Saturday and it rained on and off most of Saturday. So great timing! I only checked with a few people and Kevin and Tom agreed to join  me. I wanted to plan to go where the most colors were, but within a reasonable distance for this time of year. I ended up planning a ride to Waupaca for lunch and to continue northwest from there since the next county over and around Amherst was supposed to be at 50-75% fall foliage colors. I chose in advance for us to stop for lunch at the Waupaca Woods Restaurant, and we all ended up ordering breakfast. The food was excellent at the Waupaca Woods Restaurant, and it is my belief that if a restaurant serves breakfast all day long, then that is what you should order… excellent eggs benedict and hash browns! From there Kevin planned an excellent route through west Waupaca to get us to the county roads I chose and in an effort for staying off of Hwy 10. The best road he picked was Covered Bridge Road (pics below). We ended up taking a slue of county and back roads home and never stopped for ice-cream since most places were already closed for the season. Plus the Packers kicked off around 3 against the Cowboys, so we all wanted to at least catch the second half. Just under 200 miles this time. Hopefully we get more opportunities to ride in the next couple of weeks, since the colors should really get popping around our area soon.

© The Taminator 2015