July 8 Menomonee Reservation

The weather for the weekend was supposed to be pretty perfect for riding especially today with much less humidity. So I attempted to get a group ride going, but nobody I asked could make it outside of Kevin. Since it was going to be such a nice day and me still feeling down on seat time this season, we decided to make it an almost full day of riding. Which also meant that I could plan a farther route and opted for shooting up Hwy 55 through the Menomonee Reservation, leaving around 9 a.m. The route I planned the night before estimated an ETA into Shawano right around noon, so I looked for places to eat there. Although I love The Farm Inn, I wanted to try some place new and found a Cafe across from The Farm Inn, Angie’s Main Cafe. You definitely felt like taking a step back into time upon entering with the old decor and diner set up, but with some country charm as well. Food was great, and although we didn’t order breakfast, my guess is that is her specialty. From there we mosey’d into Keshena where we stopped at Keshena Falls to take some pics and with hopes traffic would be good when we were ready to shoot up 55. Upon leaving there was a Buick and I waited a while for it to get gone, but another car was soon entering onto 55 so we took off. It wasn’t long before we caught up to the Buick. Luckily on the second turn-out they took it and let us pass. I had the camera going the whole 20+ minutes and caught a doe at one point crossing the road ahead of us, but she was far enough away not to really worry about, except that there probably could be more around. When we got to Hwy 64 we took it east through Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest to Hwy 32 then dropped south to AA to Cty M back to Hwy 55 and then Cty VV and a bunch more county roads heading south that we haven’t been on before etc., etc. When we arrived in Berlin we stopped at Shepard’s Drive-Inn for some ice-cream of course! I think we did around 300 miles this trip. Map and pics below...

© The Taminator 2015