July 23 Kettles & Terrells

There was finally a planned ride on the Lost Motorcycles Riders Meet Up Group that would work for me and sounded like a fun excursion. It was planned to start in West Bend at 3 p.m. and ride to Terrell's Island Trail on the west side of Lake Butte Des Morts. Although there was an offer to meet up with me in Fondy, I opted for more seat time by meeting them in West Bend. We ended up with five riders for today’s ride: Alan (organizer) Brad, Ken and Toni. I think it was close to 4:00 when we headed out. Alan took us through the Northern Kettle’s to Hwy 23 into Fondy. From there we took Lakeshore Drive to N, Jahn Road, and then got a bit off the planned route; however, Alan was able to get us back on track and found Cty FF to Hwy 21 where the dead end road to Terrell’s starts. I was so surprised that I had never heard of this place since it is so close to where I grew up. The trail in it’s entirety which forms a loop around Terrell’s Island is four miles long and we didn’t get there until I think around or just after 6:00. Although we could see showers around or near us on the way there and while walking the trail, we luckily never got rained on. Not until heading home and it wasn’t much or for too long. The original plan was to hit Wendt’s On The Lake for some dinner on the way back, but due to how late it was getting, the impending potential rain and everyone else having further to travel to get home, we made the decision to skip that. I had a really nice time with some really nice people today and I sure hope to get a chance to ride with them again. Alan said he put in 175 miles which I must have done close to as well. Below is the map of my route there and the trip to Terrell’s. I had to turn the tracker off on my phone during the walk or it probably would have gone dead, and then I forgot to turn it back on when we left Terrell’s until we stopped for gas in Oshkosh. So not much of a second map to even include here. Thanks Alan for planning the ride and being a great leader!

© The Taminator 2015