August 20 Roden Farm & Holy Hill

I was hoping to find takers for some pretty long rides for both Saturday and Sunday but wasn’t having a lot of luck finding people for that yesterday so I opted to make that day an errand and pool day. I sure picked the sunnier day for the pool, but today was way more humid. As I tell all of my co-workers and walking buddies, it the dew point more than the humidity and boy it was so high today it felt as though you could cut the air with a knife. For today I found a lunch on a farm south of Newburg and was trying to coordinate with Alan and Toni who I rode with from the Lost Riders Meetup group. Toni could not make it, but Alan was able to. Kevin was available too so we had planned to meet Alan at the Mickie D’s in West Bend on Hwy 33 at 12:30. From there I was planning on taking Wallace Lake Road to Y into Newburg and come to find out Alan lives on that road. Earlier in the day Alan had taken one of his vintage bikes to a car/motorcycle show in Newburg and offered for us to stop by his place along our way to see his two vintage bikes, which we did. Very nice, especially the bike from 1950s, engine sounded sweeter than my bike! From there we headed to Roden Farm for their Sundae on the Farm; however, after eating my hot ham and cheese and mac-n-cheese, I wasn’t hungry for ice-cream anymore. We walked around and checked out some of the animals and the farm before heading out. I bonded with a couple of cows. People were hogging the goats instead of the hogs. From there I planned to head back to Hwy 33 into Saukville and then Main Street south to Graften, Hwy 60 to Kettle Moraine Drive south along Pike Lake Park and a few other roads to get us to Hogsback Road and then to Donegal which goes east and west just south of Holy Hill. Shortly after two stops for pics of Holy Hill we headed north on Hwy 83 before breaking off from Alan where Kevin and I headed northwest into Neosho. From Neosho Kevin and I  took Hwy 67 since it was pretty late in the afternoon. Since we were so close to Kevin’s parents place we stopped to see if his sister and family from Virginia were still there, but they already had headed home. Just over 140 miles today...

© The Taminator 2015