April 23 Jugs & Fox Lake

It was supposed to be in the sixties today but much cooler north of Fondy. I had already planned to head south the night before and was glad I had because the temps north of our area vs. south were supposed to be around 20 degrees difference. I didn’t plan to leave until late morning so that Nicki could join us for lunch at Jug’s Hitching Post because she only had limited time to spare. We (Pete, Mark, Nicki and I) met at Kevin’s around 11 a.m. We took a pretty direct route to get to Jug’s, Hwy 45 to Cty D. Shortly after getting onto D, Kevin mentioned we lost the remainder of our riders and we couldn’t see what was going on since we had crested a hill. I took the next road to pull of and although it was only seconds we were stopped waiting for them, it felt like eternity so we headed back to see what was going on. My heart dropped since of what happened the last time we lost a rider behind us. Thankfully upon heading back Nicki, Mark and Pete passed us and gave us a peace sign. Whew! Once we got turned around we met them at Jug’s. Apparently Nicki’s reserve light came on which is why they stopped. We opted for eating outside since it was such a gorgeous day. I finally tried their prime rib (sandwich) and it was very tasty. Since Nicki had to get back and Mark had planned to as well, just Kevin, Pete and I continued on a route I had planned somewhat zig-zagging up to Fox Lake. When we got to Fox Lake we stopped at the Kwik Trip for Pete to gas up and spent a little time enjoying the weather and being off the bikes, while discussing our next plan of action. We decided to head over to Kelley Country Creamery for ice-cream if they weren’t too busy. Wholly wow, upon leaving Fox Lake and heading towards Waupun on Hwy 68 we realized that it was increasingly getting colder and what west winds we had endured earlier were now coming directly out of the east now bringing in some very cool air. We were starting to wonder whether or not ice-cream or hot cocoa would be in order. Still we continued onto Kelley’s but when we got there, there wasn’t any parking left except on the grass. So we opted to skip it. However, when taking Hwy 175 back to town, Pete made a great decision to pull into Gilles. While we were still chilled, we did order some sundaes. However, we didn’t stay long at all. Once we were done eating we high-tailed it out of there. It was almost as if the strong winds out of the east were brining in the cold air all the way from Lake Michigan. Still a fun day but only around 140 miles. 

© The Taminator 2015