April 15 Elkhart / Kettles

So it was supposed to be in the sixties, partly sunny, but breezy. When Kevin and I finally were able to leave around 12:30 the wind gusts were at 25 mph. That’s usually not too bad for my bike; however, I was still opting for trying to ride into and away from the same direction (SW) of the wind as much as possible. Thought of heading southwest first but looked like rain that direction, so we decided to head to Three Guys And a Grill outside of Elkhart Lake since that would be mostly with the wind and we hadn’t eaten yet. For the most part on the way there was fine except for the few times we had to run broadside of the wind. When we left there I took us as much as southwest as possible and through the Kettles were the trees provided some protection from the wind, which I believe the wind had picked up. I would have guessed 30-35 mph gusts by afternoon. There were two pretty hard stretches. One going past the main entrance at Road America and all of Hwy 67 along that stretch and the other was when we had to get on Hwy 45 north from Waucusta to Eden. It was a challenge that whole stretch with trying to keep my bike in my own lane and making the curves. Nasty, just hate that feeling and having to use so much upper body strength just to go straight. Ugh, I was so glad to get on the stretch of 45 heading north out of Eden. Much better!  Still only put in 80 miles, but I had enough wind for one day. Map and pics below.

© The Taminator 2015