September 5 Elkhorn

Today was supposed to get hot and really humid, but the morning was perfect and Scott said he’d be available to ride today. We decided to start a little later cause we both had some things to take care of first before we left. I met Scott at his place around 10 and we shot south from there with intentions of making it to Occonomowoc. We made it there and then decided to keep going south on Hwy 67. We almost made it to Elkhorn but headed west on Cty A in the northern part of the Lower Kettles. We stopped at a bar along there for burgers. From there we back-tracked a little bit to Cty P north into Whitewater and then Cty D north to Watertown where we took Hwy 16 west to Cty R north into Hustasford. When we got to Kekoskee, I dropped off and continued north because I had to be back for a 4 p.m. hair appointment. Due to our late start and my need to get back in time for the appointment, the day was mostly about riding and not much stopping or sight-seeing, so not a lot of pics or links. It was a fun day and boy did it get hot and steamy by the end of the ride, Scott said his bike was showing 87 degrees. I practically had to peel my jacket off when I got home. Ugh, but if I keep complaining, it will probably go from this right to 50 degrees.

© The Taminator 2015