October 9 Oconomowoc

Well the temperatures had dipped down into the fifties for this weekend but I was pretty bent on going. So I picked Sunday since it was supposed to maybe get up to 61 or 63 including it was pretty breezy on Saturday. I also opted for leaving later in the  morning, since there were potential frost advisories around the night  before. Only takers were Kevin and Scott. Nicki really wanted to go but between a paper for school and needing to replace her deck, she inevitably couldn’t make it. Boo hoo! We met up at Kevin’s and waited just a bit for confirmation that Nicki couldn’t make it. We had planned to use a route Kevin took a week or so ago because I wanted to go to Holy Hill. I wanted to go south even though I knew the fall foliage colors would be much better north, but we seemed to have gone north a lot this year and its getting harder to find new roads that way. Plus I was hoping the temps might be a little warmer further south. Kevin’s route started us through Mt. Calvary and Greenbush connecting on the north end of the Kettle Moraine Scenic Route which we pretty much took all of the way to Oconomowoc, and some really cool roads south of Holy Hill and all around the lakes by Oconomowoc. Unfortunately soon after heading east of Mt. Calvary we ran into clouds which got heavier the further south we went… bummer! Since it was so overcast I didn’t stop to take any pictures around Holly Hill. Hopefully we’ll get one more weekend to go out and enjoy some colors. I had scoped out a local place for lunch the night before which was along our route in Oconomowoc, Hops & Leisure. It was a cool micro-brew and eatery with very good service and sandwiches. After lunch we bundled back up and headed out. West out of Oconomowoc and eventually north. When we got to Hustisford Scott broke off to head home to do some hunting. We ended up stopping in the Horicon Marsh to take a picture of the Historical Landmark sign for his tag game on the ST site. From there we took Cty Z to Breakneck Road, and its called that for a reason. I wasn’t too keen taking it from this direction because its up the ledge with very sharp and steep curves, but I did it and luckily the Harley’s we passed coming out of it were through before we got into it.  I think it was around 4:30 when we got back to town and around 195 miles. Maps below.

© The Taminator 2015