November 5 Kettles FDL Cty

Well another gorgeous weekend with temps about 20 degrees above average. Sunday I have plans so I made up a route for today zig zagging all around and near the Kettles, and elsewhere around southern FDL county. I also picked a bunch of country roads we have never been on before and what a pleasant surprise to find so many nice and curvy ones. I took it a bit slow though through most of those areas with the deer running. Also hence my excursion with a doe and my car two weekends ago in Rosendale. Tom  joined us and since we weren’t planning on heading out until 12:30 we met up at Kevin’s and then stopped on our way out at the Red Cabin Green Acres for lunch. There weren’t very many colors left, mostly yellows and rust colors. Not many reds left at all. We had some pretty spectacular views at times and just some really good roads overall. Only a little over 80 miles today. 

© The Taminator 2015