Sunday, September 20 Point & North

We had planned an event ride on the Group page on FaceBook but it was only the usual suspects again: myself, Kevin, Pete and minus Pete’s wife Sue. I thought we’d head northwest and not really sure why since we’ve gone that way quite a bit this season. We met up at the main parking lot at G&L at 9:00 a.m. and it was a pretty cool start, barely 50 degrees with really low dew points. We all had warmer riding jackets on with layers. I took us west on Cty T into Brandon and then 44/49 into Ripon where we took Cty J west of Ripon into Princeton and continued on Cty J to Cty B north. I wanted to hook up with Cty BB into Steven’s Point but missed it somehow so stayed on Cty J north to Hwy 66 west into Point where we found a cafe/diner for lunch (The Rock ’N Roll Cafe) where we all ordered breakfast instead of lunch. From there we headed back east on Hwy 66 to Cty Y north which was a very nice winding road. However at one point we came up to some trucks parked on both side of the road with a  car coming towards us and it appeared that car was going to turn left in front of me by the truck where the guys were standing, until I realized he didn’t mean to turn but was rather distracted and didn’t realize he was coming into our lane. Luckily we slowed down enough by the time he noticed. Sheesh! We took Hwy 29 east to Cty J south to Tigerton and south to Cty W into Saxeville where we stopped at the Dam for a stretch and some pictures. From there we headed south on Cty EE into Red Granite and then Cty E to Cty F into Ripon and then Olden Road back to North Fondy. Almost 300 miles this trip and it was a very beautiful day! Oh and we seen lots of black fuzzy caterpillars crossing the roads, and we had to really slow down for two gaggles of hen turkeys with their yearlings.  No deer!  At least not in the road. ;)

© The Taminator 2015