Saturday, August 29 Mazo & Merrimac

We had planned on taking a ride southwest and posted it on the FDL Riding Group page on FB but only had one for sure taker, Pete, a guy Kevin met through his ST Group site. Come to find out Pete used to own the house next to Kevin… small world!  It was still misting after I got home from the gym so I changed the time to meet to 10:30 and although it was still misting at that time, we weren’t going to cancel or wait any longer to leave. They guys met me in the G&L main parking lot and I had already decided to take only highways to get to the west side of Madison to save time and provide more time to enjoy the awesome roads down there. I was going to take us to eat at a place in Waunakee but I thought it was on the main drag and it was not, so off to Cross Plains to Coaches a place I found online that morning. Well there was construction on Hwy 14 in CP and we couldn’t get to the restaurant so onto Black Earth. Nothing there, so off to Mazomanie where we found The Old Feed Mill.  A very quant place (mill converted to restaurant and gift shop). The food was very good but service very slow. That was a pretty major time-killer. When we left there Pete led us on KP, J, etc. until we made it to Hwy 12. He wanted to take the Ferry but wasn’t sure how to get there from where we were at. After gathering my bearings, I knew which way to get there so I took over leading. After the Ferry we took Cty U to Portage and then EE, to Hwy 49 to TC and back to town on Hwy 151. Pete’s wife rides too and has her own bike, Vulcan, but she opted to stay home today and paint their daughter’s bedroom. So we stopped to meet her when we got back to town. After visiting we all agreed to ride the next day and head north/northwest. 246 miles this trip. Map and pics below…

© The Taminator 2015