April 11, New Tires

I had scheduled an appointment for today to have my new tires put on which I ordered the winter and my cousin held for me at his shop. Dropped it off, walked to the gym, and when I got back from my workout his mechanic said my brakes were metal on metal and wondered if I wanted them replaced… heck yeah!  So I continued with a walk to and through Lakeside Park and by the time I arrived back it was almost done. However, when I went to leave I couldn’t roll or budge my bike in neutral. I was concerned but drove home because I had to go home to change and then meet Kevin for a ride. After getting home I realized something was wrong and how was I going to get in and out of parking spaces if I couldn’t roll it, including front brakes not releasing is a very bad thing. So back to the garage I went. When I got there his mechanic was able to push it around and they teased me for being too weak. I told them it was different and showed them I could hardly roll it at all.  They said they’d probably loosen up so I met Kevin at his place and we headed to West Bend for lunch on Hwy 45 and took a bunch of back roads home. I could roll it better when I got home but still not like I should. I think we put in just under 150 miles.  It was windy and cool.  No maps or pictures

04112015  74 miles

© The Taminator 2015