May 24, Trip Home from Winona MN

We knew that we would have to contend with some rain today on our trip home from Winona but last evening’s news indicated that the rain might not start until 10 a.m. well it must have been a Twin Cities station we were watching because after waking up around 7 a.m. the radar indicated that the rain would be coming through Winona soon and after that there was no way of avoiding it, which we knew too based on forecasts that it would be a full day rain. I was thinking of trying to go northeast when leaving Winona but it wouldn’t have mattered because we would get into rain either way, so we opted to go see my Dad for just a short “hi” and “bye” before heading home and taking the quickest (boring) way home. This was the furthest and first time I have ever taken the trip to see my Dad where I had to ride in rain the whole way. Thankfully we left early because the heavier rain followed after we were home. Still soaked and pretty cold. Around 200 miles.

© The Taminator 2015