I planned to take a trip to Winona MN to see Dad and Canders so I requested for the afternoon off from work. Took the bike into work this morning and it was a balmy 38-40 degrees. Needless to say a hot cup of coffee was in order when I arrived at work. Brrr! Kevin met me at work around 11:30 and we planned to leave there (Brownsville) taking Hwy 49 to 68 and then Hwy 33 all the way to La Crosse, so that Kevin could go through his favorite… Wildcat Mountain. Traffic wasn’t too bad but we came up on a car just before Wildcat Mountain, however, Kevin passed it to go fast and I stayed behind since I don’t go as fast through the tight turns. Unfortunately the car ahead of me took them way too slow, but once I was behind them it was nearly impossible to pass through there unless I really wanted to risk it without being able to see what was around each curve. Kevin was there waiting for me after I exited it and I passed the car so we could carry on at a pace we are more accustomed to. We stopped at an overlook just southeast of La Crosse for a break and a picture. We took Hwy 35 through La Crosse and over to Winona because I wasn’t sure if we could get onto the Interstate (I-90) from La Crescent due to construction. So it took us almost five hours to get to Winona. We stopped by Dad first before finding and checking into a hotel. Think this trip was around 230 miles.