May 16, West Bend

My friend Jen who lives in West Bend has been waiting for us to stop by to help her with her car which I believe just needed a jump or the battery recharged. Hence Saturday was supposed to be the best day predicted for a ride we chose to take the bikes along with Kevin’s charger. Sure enough when we got there and hooked the charger up that was all she needed; however, it would take at least 2-3 hours to recharge so that is when we decided to grab some lunch in town and go for a little ride to kill some time. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and then headed west out of town on Paradise Ave/Dr and that turned out to be a really nice windy road. I was trying to find Cty O southwest of West Bend but never did. So we ended up going west of Holy Hill and then south and east of it back to West Bend. Pretty much straight roads. When we left I took a road along the river (N. River Drive) and stayed on it, and what a very nice little treasure that was. It took us over another old wooden one lane bridge. This one in much better shape for not being paved over than the one on Cty E east of Portage. We then proceeded on Kettle Moraine Drive and it was a branch of that road I had never been on before and was very surprised these cool roads which were so close to where I lived had evaded me!  Not too many miles this time and no pictures. Only 133 miles.

© The Taminator 2015