Kevin’s Motorcycle Trip 2015

Day 1

I started out at 4:00am and today was all about getting there, and by there I mean as far east as possible.  Destination was Somerset PA. My route was Hwy 151 to Hwy 39 to Hwy 88.  Gas stops were limited as well as stretching.  First stop for gas was at the 221 mile mark at Ottawa IL., next stop for gas was at 470 miles, and this would also be my stop for lunch. The final stop for gas would be in Verona PA at 746 miles.  I found the Holiday Inn Express in Somerset PA with a very accommodating parking space (below).  This ended today’s mileage at 815 miles.  This would be the longest distance driven in one day for the whole trip.  I noticed upon exiting the interstate that the Flight 93 Memorial was just a short 30 mile drive from where I was staying.  This would be my first stop in the morning before heading back onto the Interstate to Arlington VA.  The weather today was cloudy and cool the entire drive.


Day 2

Today started out chilly once again and I kept the wind breaker on once again.  The 30 miles to the memorial was a nice little ride, arriving at the memorial just minutes before the park ranger opened the gates.  The memorial opened at 9 and the people ahead of me had been waiting since 7:30.  I had arrived around 8:45.  It was a long, slow eerie 3 mile drive into the memorial along with the clouds that were just hovering above the tree line.  I remember having goose-bumps that entire 3 mile stretch.

(Pictures below are in chronological order.)

After walking around the quiet and very somber memorial, there were only a few of us there, it was time to pack up and head to my little sister’s place.  At the 928 mile marker it was time for fuel once again, not that I needed it but this would prevent a short trip to fuel up on Tuesday morning for my departure.  This would be the shortest ride of the trip at just 199 miles.  Traffic on day 1 was light, and that continued true for today's ride into Arlington.  I finally arrived around 12:30 and then it was tiime to park the bike for a few days and rest.  Well at least the bike had time to rest.  The rest of the day would be spent visiting Kim, Trevor, the girls, Maura and Rosemary, and my one and only nephew, Cullen.

Days 3-5

These days were filled with walking and seeing some more sites, memorials, museums and monuments that Arlington and DC have to offer. Day 3 I took a trip with Trevor to the Pentagon Memorial and Arlington Cemetery and watched the changing of the guard at the tomb of the unknown.  This trip ended at the US Marines War Corps Memorial.  Kim and the girls stayed behind to keep the littles ones occupied because in such somber places would be difficult at best.

Day 4

I walked past the White House, to the WWII Memorial the Reflecting Pool, Lincolns Monument, Korean Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Dwight Eisenhower Memorial, Martin Luther King Memorial.  I visited all of these with Kim, Trevor and the kids in tow.  By the time we finished the Jefferson Memorial the kids were done with sightseeing and it was recommended that I stop at the Holocaust Museum.  So that is what I did and there is so much to see and read there.  Yet another somber place to learn of the horror that occurred during WWII. 

Day 5 

It was Monday, so today it was Kim, the kids and I.  Trevor had work. We decided that I would meet Kim and the kids at the Air and Space Museum.  I took the Metro to the Vietnams’ War Memorial, which we missed the day before.  Then it was a long walk to the Air and Space Museum.  Every cab that came along was occupied and I was eventually close enough that a cab no longer made sense.  After a few hours at the museum, the kids were restless and Kim had to head home.  I finished up the museum and headed to 7th street for lunch at a street vendor truck.  After lunch I walked it off and headed to the Nation’s Capital, which I snagged a ticket for the night before.  After a short walk around the capital and a few pictures, in the visitor center I walked some more. The web page suggested 45 minute early arrival for security screening.  Screening only took 2 minutes. Put all your stuff in a tote including your belt, pick it up at the other end of the screening table after you walk through a metal detector.   After the tour of the Capital, I hopped into a cab and headed over to the Internal Spy Museum.  It was a fun little museum to visit and it had all kinds of artifacts used during the Cold War days as well as memorabilia for the James Bond 007 movies.  My day ended with a trip to the Metro back to my sister’s.

Day 6

Tuesday morning was the day of my departure from my sister's.  With the drive I had planned I wanted to get an early start and also needed to beat the heavy rush hour traffic on my way out of the city.  This morning everybody decided to sleep in.  I got a little bit late of a  start than I wanted, but I was on the road at 6:30 if memory serves me correctly.  Today’s goal was to reach the Microtel Inn in Bryson City.  If time was available once I reached the hotel I was hoping to take a 150 mile trip through some scenic roads as well as drive the Dragon.  My first stop for gas would be at mile 1,168 at Staunton Virginia, next stop would be Blountville TN at mile 1,403.  This was also my stop for lunch next to the gas station.  I pressed onward from there to the Microtel in Bryson City I checked in, dropped off my bags and headed back out on my 150 mile trip. I headed north out of town on Hwy 19 to US 441 through the Cherokee Indian Reservation, then through the Great Smokey Mountains National Park.  I ventured west on Laurel Creek Road (Hwy 337), then Hwy 321 which lead me into the Foothills Parkway. Which brought me to Hwy 129 and the Dragon.  The Dragon, 11 miles and a glorious 311 curves.  I didn’t catch up with any other traffic on the road until maybe about a ½ mile before the southern edge of the tail.  After that ride I stopped at the Deals Gap store for a few souvenirs and a small ride across the street for a prime picture of the bike in front of the dragon that Killboy photos have sitting in front of their store.  Pictures taken, souvenirs bought and packed away on the bike, so it was time head back to Bryson City, food and a fill up which is now at the 1,703 mile of the trip.

Day 7

Wednesday morning started out foggy and since it was foggy, a big breakfast was had.  I finally rolled out around 9:30.  Bryson City must be in the lower elevations because this was the only fog I run into.  I would have hit the road sooner had I known.  By 10:00 I was once again riding the Dragon and this time with higher traffic and a much slower pace, deterred from the excitement of the curves.  There are 3 picture vendors on the Tail today snapping photos as everyone road past., and are the vendors.  This would be last of the curvy roads since I now would head towards Lafayette IN on the interstates with temps in the 90’s for much of the ride. I planned for a night’s stay at my friend Jim and Carole’s.  After the dragon the ride was fairly uneventful.  Gas stops were few today only with 1 stop at Frankfort Kentucky at mile 1,997 of the trip.  I only had a water and granola bar for lunch as a venison stew and Old Fashioned were waiting for me in Lafayette.  Mileage total at the end of today was now at 2,230. 

Day 8

This morning a weather check told me that getting on the road soon was the best course of action.  I was on the road at 6:30, keeping an eye on the radar and skies.  Something told me that maybe I should have left a couple hours sooner, but that was not to be.  The hot ride yesterday had the best of me.  I headed north on Interstate 65 then west on Hwy 24, then north again on Interstate 39 to Hwy 151 and Fond du Lac.  This was a longer trip, but better than the Chicago traffic especially with a chance of rain. First order of business was to make it as far as I could on the gas I had in the tank.  Hopefully only one stop and stay ahead of the rain.  At mile 2,308 was Gillman IL for gas.  Not sure this was far enough but I was down to the reserve tank.  Keeping an eye on the radar and skies I talked myself into suiting up with my rain gear in El Paso IL.  If I needed it on I was ready and if not it was a little warmer as the 90’s we long gone.  I also packed / bagged all of my electronics in case the heavens opened up.  Sure enough just south of Madison the rains came, and heavy at times.  I was geared up and home was calling me and the rain wasn’t going to slow me down.  It was time to get home.  Only thing to do was keep my high beams on (occasionally I even turned on the hazards) and hoped I could make it home on the fuel I had left on the big 7.8 gallon tank.  At Columbus I decided at mile 2,550 the gas I had remaining was not enough and fueled up quickly.  It was already raining so out running the storm was no longer a goal or concern.  At mile 2,615 I had parked the bike on my front side walk.  Trip done and over.  I had survived!  I had great weather, only a few delays on the road, no mechanical troubles with Honda ST1300 and most of all a great visit with my sister, brother-in-law and their kids, as well as Jim and Carole.  Seen some great sights and even greater ones than I had expected.

Dragon Video

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© The Taminator 2015