April 17, First Ride to Work and Back to the Garage

It was around 40 degrees this morning so I decided to take the bike to work for the first time. It was a pretty chilly ride in, and when I got there and rolled my bike into a parking space I could here the front brakes squaking. So I sent Mark Erickson an email asking him what he thought I should do. He told me to take it back immediately and that he didn’t want to see me land on my head again. Well neither do I, and it being the warmest day so far (in the mid 70s) made me even more nervious on my way back to town after work, since the rotor was already probably heated up from the breaks rubbing and extra heat could make them sieze up. So I tried not to go too fast and also tested letting of the throttle and every time I did the bike slowed way down which it shouldn’t do unless the brakes are being applied. Sure enough after getting to the garage my cousin had to struggle with taking the front left side off it was that tight, and turns out the seal on one of my left calipers was bad, so I left it there overnight because I had things to do taht evening but needed it back the next day for a rider we were planning for the next day.

© The Taminator 2015