May 22 Waupaca

It was supposed to be a beautiful weekend, but I had a bridal shower on Saturday so I didn’t ride at all that day. However, I had already been planning a nice ride for Sunday. I didn’t post anything on our FB Riding Group page mostly because only the usual people attend. Turns out besides Kevin and I, Nicki was the only taker. Sue was going join us, but she needed to be back by 3:30 and her kids kept her awake on and off the night before hence it was Fondy prom night. We met Nicki at the G&L parking lot and my plan was to head to Waupaca going north along Lake Winnebago through Oshkosh and west out of Neenah, through Freemont and into Waupaca for lunch at Little Fat Gretchen’s. During lunch Nicki decided to head back because she remembered she needed to pick up an order in Kohler.  I felt bad, but I had planned a nice route out of Waupaca on some new roads and I also really wanted to enjoy most of the day riding. She was fine with heading back alone and agreed to send me a text when she returned. When we stopped in Wild Rose for gas, refresh and water she sent me a text that she was home. From Wild Rose we ventured to Saxeville, Red Granite and before making it to Berlin I had to pull over because I thought I was being stung by a bee. Turns out it was a common green bottle fly stuck in the back of my shirt biting me. Kevin was able to get it out and relieve the temporary itching. When we made it to Berlin we stopped for ice-cream at Shepard’s Drive Inn.  Well that was our dinner… 😆 Hard to believe we only put in 200 miles. Left at 10 a.m. and didn’t get back until 5ish. Very nice day and the weather was perfect, not too hot, calm winds, sunny, etc. Yay!!!

© The Taminator 2015