August 28 Wabeno

It was supposed to be a perfect day for riding so I planned a ride, but didn’t post it on the FB group. Only takers were Kevin and Pete. I figured we’d head up and through the Menominee Reservation on Hwy 55, my most favorite road in Wisconsin. Hence it is smooth and curvy, but not too curvy so you don’t need to brake at all which means that you can go through there pretty fast. We had also planned more of a route beyond that the night before. We met up at Pete’s around 8:30 and I had planned for us to eat a late breakfast or early lunch at the Farm Inn on Main Restaurant in Shawano. When we left there we stopped at the park along the river where the really fun part of Hwy 55 starts to ensure there wasn’t any traffic in front of us. Pete led and we made it almost all of the way through before approaching slower traffic ahead of us. I noticed I was almost out of gas, so I stopped at one of the stations at the intersection of Hwy 55 & 64 in Langlade. Pete had to be home around 3:30 so he decided to head back through the Reservation, while Kevin and I had already decided at the restaurant that we would continue north on Hwy 55 to 52 and then south on 32 into Mountain. We took Cty W from there back to Hwy 55. When we got to Hwy 55 there were a bunch of sport bikes pulled over at the intersection and then a bunch more down the road at the canoe/rafting place. After that we passed some on bikes individually heading north, and then a bunch of bikes pulled over in a curve where a car was stopped halfway in my lane. Well it didn’t take long to figure out what that was all about after four squads with there lights and sirens passed us heading north, and then the ambulance and fire truck. Dang, hope they were okay! From there we took Cty M to Hwy 47 north into Phlox where we decided to start heading back home. We stopped at Ardy & Ed’s in Oshkosh for a much needed break and sundaes. 🍨😃 We put in around 350 miles and boy did I feel it. I haven’t rode much more than under 300 miles in one day this season so far. Map and pics below...

© The Taminator 2015