RA MotoAmerica 2018


I haven’t posted anything from these races over the past few years except Nicky’s Tribute page from last year, so here goes.

As usual I purchased a weekend ticket. Scott and I took the bikes there on Friday. It started out very overcast, breezy and cool. As soon as we showed up to the track it cleared up. I saw Jake Zemke by the Yamaha transporter and didn’t think anything of it, until Scott telling me he was working for them. We noticed that Hayden was pretty low in points, so I asked Greg White if he had some DNFs already, and he said yes due to some issues with the bike and that they had been working to figure them out and should be better this weekend.

Saturday Kevin and I eventually met Scott and Mark at the track and it was our day to host lunch. We parked in our new spot in the Hurry Downs between 7 and 8. It was overcast with some periods or mist and rain. Not at all as they predicated. It was nice enough though for the races in the afternoon. Earlier when walking through the pits Jake Zemke gave me a smile (kind of a funny one) and I remembered him saying he loves RA because everyone shows up pasty and by the next day we all look like lobsters, and I was from the day before since I seen him. However, after I got home realized his signature was on my Honda hat I wore that day. That explains it, but I’m sure he still finds humor we don’t know how to use sunblock! After lunch I suggested watching the Superbikes in Canada Corner which we eventually did and what a great place to have chosen. It was truly a neck to neck race with Cameron, Josh Herrin and Toni Elias duking it out through almost every turn. Sometimes making two to three passes just in our corner. On the last lap unfortunately Toni picked a bad line and ended up bumping into Josh or Cameron when he leaned into it, taking himself out low-siding to the outside of Canada Corner. I think Josh picked him up on his way back to the pits during the victory lap. True sportsmanship at its best!

Sunday we parked in the same spot and took the pedal bikes around the track the same as yesterday. It's a really good workout! For today’s Superbike race Kevin and I hung out at the start finish until they went out. There was a red flag on the first lap. I cannot remember who crashed out. So we drove back to the start finish for the restart and then back to turn one to watch the remainder of the race. After the race we drove back up by start finish to get to the winners circle across from it. My first time hanging at the new winner’s circle after a race and it was fun. We all sang happy birthday to Roger Hayden. You could tell he really enjoyed it, NOT! 

Another race weekend in the books and very good timing for me, as I needed a distraction that included something I really enjoy!

Kevin only took around 800 pictures between Saturday and Sunday. Not waiting for those, nor do I have the time to go through them. Here are some of mine I took with the phone...

© The Taminator 2015