Sunday, September 27 Holy Hill

I had planned a ride to take what would have been our largest group yet, including my Bunco friend Nicki who finally bought a bike. However I woke up Saturday morning with a cold that had progressed throughout the evening and into Sunday morning. I really tried, but I just couldnt make it. I am still posting the blog, but it will be in Kevins words (with a little grammatical tweaking)…

"Kickstands scheduled up at 9:30 for a trip to Fort Atkinson.  Small delays meeting at Kevin’s house and kickstands werent up until 10:00.  Some of the usual suspects were on the trip today, also some new and some stayed back due to feeling under the weather.  Pete, Sue and Kevin were the usual suspects with Tammy coming down with a cold and forced her to stay home and rest.  This meant Kevin would have to take the lead with the route planned by Tammy the night before.  Our newcomer was Nicki with her new to her CB500X.  This trip doubled the miles she had put on her bike so far since buying it.  Forecast was for sunny conditions for most of the day, however by 10:30 we were under mainly cloudy skies and cool conditions.  Later in the trip we would gain partly sunny skies and a little warmer temps.  We had planned to head south on Hwy 45 to 67 through Campbellsport, then down through Mayville with a quick stop for stretches and a bathroom break in Iron Ridge.  From there it was  mainly county roads and 2 lane highways consisting of R to O to SC, then on to 16 then F and finally to 106.  106 lead us (Kevin) on to a wrong turn and heading to Palmyra.  Not a bad little detour since we were able to find a great little diner named Kettle Hills Grill.  Great food and very reasonably priced.  As usual with our trips the topic during lunch is how do we head home as all trips are unplanned after lunch.  After taking yet another “detour” we were headed west on Hwy 59 to County D to Hwy F and back to 16, where we took Hwy R to O and then onto a stop at Holy Hill for a stretch and a few pictures.  From there Pete lead us through Hartford and a stop in Slinger for gas and yet one last stretch. Then it was onto the winding roads through the kettle moraine state forest before heading back west and home on Hwy 23.  Overall 250 miles this trip."

© The Taminator 2015