What looked in the beginning of the week to be a rainy weekend turned out to be non-issue, but very warm with very high dew points. With that said we opted to take our first ride towards Lake Michigan. We took a bunch or county and country roads to get to Lake Shore Drive just north of Sheboygan and I went to start the video recorder for the breathtaking view coming up onto the lake, only to find that they graded the road down in that spot and put in some smaller curves, so you no longer can see the lake from that great view up high. We were going to eat at the submarine festival near downtown Manitowoc but could not find anywhere to park so we drove up to Two Rivers and stopped at the Lighthouse Inn for a delicious cheesy garlic chicken sandwich, and sat outside to enjoy the view of the lake. From there we snaked north along more back roads along the Lake and then inland for a stop in Stangelville to take a pic for my old work pal Tom Stangel. Oh and I forgot to mention that within ten miles of the lake the temps fell and continued more than ten degrees difference. Due to the overcast skies I actually got quite chilled several times with goosebumps. We found a place to stop outside of Chilton by some river (pic) below and then went to Scoops in Chilton so I could take care of my mint chocolate chip wafer cone craving I’ve only had for the past month or so. Mmmm, mmmm good! We put in just shy of 200 miles this trip.