June 27, No Real Destination

My day started off with getting my mechanic who is my cousin to my place to see the issues I have been having with starting it first thing every day. I never had to keep the choke wide open nor give the throttle a few throw backs to keep it running when I first started it in the middle of summer or when the temps were above 50. Well he started it giving some throttle and then turned off the choke off and she stayed running just fine. I guess my baby is getting old just like me! I had already cancelled my plans for volunteering at church because I had to get this checked before my big trip to Winona and northwestern Wisconsin in the near future. So since my day was wide open, the bike seemed fine and it was a very nice day, Kevin I decided to go for a ride after picking strawberries. Not having a destination in mind I headed north first and then west taking as many back roads as possible or new roads we have never been on. We ended up stopping in Omro at Tanner’s for a sandwich and onward. No picture but here’s a map (182 miles).

© The Taminator 2015