Kevin and I planned to partake in the Ripon area’s breakfast on the farm today and we left around 9 a.m. According to the Dairy Days of Summer’s website it was on Center Road not too far from the mega Rosendale farm which didn’t make much sense since it was for Ripon area. Any who we headed that way taking my old and favorite Olden Road only to find that there was nothing going on there, and we weren’t the only ones looking for it there. So we decided to just head for Ripon and when we arrived we stopped in a parking lot to figure out on our phones exactly where it was but I was still a little uncertain how to get there. I thought I had it figure out but I missed Reed Road so after heading west out of Ripon I just started snaking my way in the direction where I knew it would be and we found it. Not much going on at this one but they had a great breakfast and ice-cream! From there we meandered on a lot of country roads west and south and east on some highways to Kevin’s parent place for a Father’s Day cookout. Perfect day for riding… not too hot, muggy, etc. Best day of riding I’ve had in a while and it felt oh so good!