Sept 28 Waukesha

Since I did not ride on my day off Monday of this week, I did some more research for potential bikes for me and found Triumph’s Tiger 850 which really piqued my interest since it had lots of adjustments and accessories, including not looking too incredibly tall for me. I found the closest dealer in Waukesha and figured this Saturday, today, would be a good opportunity to go check it out. So, I asked Brad if he’d be interested since he already indicated he wanted to ride this weekend. And then, Kevin sent me a message yesterday that he made it home from his trip out west. Although he put in 5k miles on his trip, I asked if he’d be interested in joining us and he said “yes.” So, I planned out a route and sent it to him to plug into his GPS last night.

I told them I’d meet them at the former Baker Cheese at intersections of T and G around 10. I left my place around 9:20 and arrived at 9:45. I made sure to track my miles there and asked Kevin to do so too, so I could see if it was halfway for each us vs. meeting in Greenbush. However I had 22 miles and he had 18, so I still think Greenbush is halfway. Brad arrived shortly after Kevin and I told him the Triumph dealership was in the heart of Waukesha, so we’d need to stay tight when we got into that area in order to avoid getting separated.

We headed south through the Kettle Moraine and into West Bend for a bathroom stop before heading west on Beaver Dam Road to Hwy 175 south where we had to divert from the route for a little bit just north of Slinger because 175 was closed through there, but got back onto it just before Slinger and then took 164 to Waukesha and only got separated once in a round-about and one other time with a vehicle between Kevin and Brad. 

When we arrived at the dealership, I told the first employee who approached us there that I was interested in the Tiger 850 and knew they had a black 900 there because Kevin investigated that. So he took me to it and pulled it out for me to sit on and man it was way too tall. He then proceeded to tell me about the Tiger 800 XRX which is much lower as stock and that he had one there, so we followed him into the back of the shop and he pulled it out for me to sit on. It was much better and that was even stock, not lowered. He informed us they only made them between 2016 and 2023, so I would probably only be able to find a slightly used one, including his wife who is only 5-foot was thinking about purchasing this particular one. So, I asked for his business card in case I see that they may get any in, but also that I would need to keep an eye on cycle-trader’s site for one. I most certainly want to get something by next Spring!

From there I had planned for us to stop for lunch at the Mainstream Bar & Grill on Main Street, and it was a very good choice. My Chicken Satay, with Thai/Peanut sauce and red cabbage was excellent!

From there we meandered north on Hwy 18 and other various roads Kevin chose, going through Pewaukee and Hartland before connecting onto Hwy 83 north where we stopped for gas at the BP on 83 and 167/Cty O before heading north again to Hartford, where I had planned for us to stop at Scoop DeVille for cream. However, while we were at the gas station, Brad had us check his back directionals and brake lights, and neither were working. So, while we were eating our cream, he said he was going to break off when we crossed Hwy 175 because of that. Kevin had already informed me this morning that he was going to break off at Hwy 33 to go to his parents’ in preparation for bow hunting. When we left Hartford, we made sure Brad was in-between us due to his tail light issues. When we got to Hwy 33 on Hwy 144, Kevin turned left and I proceeded straight on Glacier Road. When I hit the second stop sign, I remembered I had wanted to turn on my tracker, so I stopped and did so while also connecting my phone to the battery charger as it was almost dead. 

I eventually ended up on Hwy 28 into Kewaskum and took Hwy 45 north to Waucusta where I took Cty F into Dundee, and then G north along Long Lake, but got behind extremely slow traffic. So I intentionally almost stopped several times to let them get a ways ahead since nobody was behind me. I at least lost two out of the three vehicles at the 4-way stop at 167, and passed the last one in short order after crossing 167. I also had to pass a small sport vehicle shortly after turning onto Cty T. From there it was the usual Cty A into and out of Glenbeulah and then Cty J into Elkhart Lake, and then taking Bell Road to Little Elkhart before getting onto Garton Road back to Grove.

Based on the map Kevin provided, my tracker and the 22 miles to meet them, I put in a little more than 180 miles. We seen some patches of good color near New Prospect, and Kevin even said that was the most color he’d seen as he didn’t see much of any on.098767890=-09876543211345687654 his trip except, maybe in Colorado. 

I actually got home in time to watch the end of the Badger football game too. However, not the outcome I was hoping for!

Still remaining hopeful for slightly warmer temps in October, so that I can make a trip back up to Door County, but this time with an overnight stay so I can do the whole loop of the peninsula and maybe even take the Washington Island ferry too. Fingers crossed!

© Tammy Ditter 2018