May 4 Cedarburg

It wasn’t supposed to be too warm but in the low 60s with a chance or rain later in the afternoon, so Kevin and I decided to go check out some bike options for me. Given that this wouldn’t be a very long ride, Kevin opted to pick me up at my apartment in Howards Grove to take me to my storage unit to get my bike with an ETA of 10 a.m. While I was waiting for him I happened to notice it seemed a bit foggy by me. Well, yep it sure was. When we left my storage unit it was kind of thick. Hard keeping the helmet visor clear from it and down right chilly as well! As we got further away from Lake Michigan it broke up, thank goodness!

I sent him a route last night to get us to Fuel Powersports in West Bend and then to Cedar Creek Motorsports in Cedarburg. We decided to stop at Knuckleheads on the southeast side of Cedar Lake for lunch. Neither of us had ever been there before and it was hard to tell if it was a bar or a house. I think it was actually both, but the food was very good.

I found a really cook Kawi Elliminator at Fuel but it was only a 450. Nothing I liked at Cedar Creek. 

When we left Cedarburg, we headed north through the Kettles and planned to possibly stop for ice cream at the Hamburger Haus in Dundee, but when we got there it was extremely busy with ominous clouds about. Although we didn’t see any rain on the radar near us, Kevin opted to head home instead of possibly finding another place for ice cream after we made one more stop to check the radar in the parking lot at the Old Baker Cheese, now Sargento. So, we split up from there, and I headed back on T, then A into Elkhart and onto home.

The red on the map is our route together, blue Kevin’s trip to get me. I didn’t map/track my route after we split up. Although, not a lot of miles or photos, still always a good day to get some miles in on my ride!

© Tammy Ditter 2018