June 15 Port

As usual, we’ve been getting rain, if not every day, pretty much every other day and this weekend was no exception. Saturday (today) was going to be dry and hot inland, but not so hot by me or along Lake Michigan. So, I checked with Brad to see if he wanted to head over to Port Washington, as Kevin was with his group camping (again), and Brad was up for it; including Tim.

I slated for us to meet in Greenbush around 10, but I was pretty much chomping at the bit to get back out so I left earlier than needed with a stop in Glenbeulah for gas and to use the restroom. Low and behold, the guys were already there because they left early too.

I had to do it old school today for the route and wrote down the roads and put it in the clear pouch on my tank bag. At one point I wasn’t sure if the next intersecting road was our turn, so I put my directional on, only to see it wasn’t and apparently the guys were a bit too far behind to see that I didn’t turn. So, they did and suddenly I noticed they weren’t behind me anymore. When I got to the road I intended on taking, I pulled over and called Brad. Yep he turned where he saw I was going to not knowing I kept going. Hah!

I pretty much took a long way to Port Washington on some back and county roads and we arrived there around 11:30. I wanted to go to Inventors Brew Pub; a place I found last year on the north side of the harbor, close to the entrance to the lighthouse. Good thing I looked to see if it was still open because they moved into one of the new buildings along the harbor, and the place is huge now! Tim and I ordered Asian Ribs and I also ordered their beer cheese soup. Very nice place they’re in now, excellent presentation with the food and it was also super yummy!

It was actually almost chilly along the lake, so the guys weren’t feeling up to walking out to the lighthouse. Bummer!

From there I pretty much planned a bunch of roads to eventually get us near Eden, so with that said… Kelley Creamery is where we stopped for ice cream. The line was out the door. Good thing it was the day before Father’s Day or it would have been insane.

From there we split up and I headed out before them since I had more of distance to go.

Only 150 miles today, but it worked out well since the clouds were starting to head in by mid day. Two maps below as I am tired of trying to combine the photos in photo shop because my Solo Trip app cannot handle a full day’s worth of riding on one map.

© Tammy Ditter 2018