July 6 Beaver Dam & Beyond

I planned a ride for Kevin and I and whomever wanted to join us for today as I was going to need to get my bike to Fondy for Mark to replace my new back tire delivered to Kevin’s and I also posted it to the FB riding group. I told Mark I would be to his place at 8, so I left Grove around 7, made a pitstop for gas in Glenbeulah, and then back roads to Kevin’s. Arriving at 7:50 and he followed me over to Mark’s with the tire, and then we took off for Fleet to get oil for my bike to do an oil change at his place when Mark was finished. Well, when he dropped me back off at Mark’s, Mark had pointed out to me that my back brake pad was very worn. So, we looked online for what options were available, including the part number; however, nothing could be delivered before I leave for my trip next Thursday. So we put the tire back on with the thought that I might have to skip it and try not to use the back brake as much as possible, which I typically use mostly front anyways.

This put us a little bit behind on time, but we managed to be done right around 10:30 as planned and what we told everyone. However, there was a mix up and Denise thought we weren’t leaving until noon and also asked for us to pick her up at her place while she got ready. I felt bad, but I was starving and certainly didn’t want to wait too long. I let her know we intended on leaving town on Hickory Road and we couldn’t wait. Tom and Brad were in tow and both showed up before 11, which eleven is right around when we left. While heading to Hickory, I received a phone call and it was Denise saying she was at the 151 overpass on Hickory. So, that worked out great and so glad she could join us. Low and behold, she was wearing a viking helmet with wig. What a hoot! She looked pretty darn hot with it too!!! 

I had planned a route taking county and back roads into the east side of Beaver Dam and then leaving it on Cty D, with a lunch stop at TJ’s on the lake; however, it was closed, but I remembered a bar I had seen on the map past Beaver Dam on Cty D, which was also the direction we were going to take anyways. So, off we went to the Bell Tavern for lunch. We sat outside and enjoyed their patio and the beautiful day. Finally a day without rain. Yay for me since I think my allergies are mostly due to the high mold levels as well. 

From there I planned a bunch more county and back roads with intentions of ice cream at Mullen’s in Watertown, but it was getting late and we were having some communication issues with the Sena’s, including having a bit of a struggle keeping the group together. Plus it was getting pretty darn sticky and hot. So, before Watertown we stopped and all agreed to bypass Watertown all together and get ice cream in Horicon (Cedar Crest).

Apparently one of the county roads (GI) which we were on today just west of Watertown had a fatal motorcycle accident shortly after we were on it. Through one of the curves around 3 p.m. today. Sadly alcohol and no helmet were factors. Such a shame, and only 44 years old! 

We made our intended stop at The Ice Cream Station and enjoyed our cream on a picnic table in the shade. While we were there, we saw a guy on a red FJ Yami, and Kevin said I think that was Scott, and I said I thought it looked familiar, so I called him and of course it went directly to VM, so I left him a message. Later he called me and it was him, and he seen our bikes, but didn’t recognize any of them. Doh!

From there I planned more highways, 28, 67, 175 and back onto 67 into Dundee where we seen quite a few police in that area: marked, unmarked, county and a state trooper. Probably because it is such a hot spot for the holiday weekend. Brad had already dropped off on Hwy 45. From Dundee we took Cty G where we split up by the old Ditter farm and the old Baker’s cheese, and from there, the rest of the group continued west on Cty T where I continued north and east on Cty T. I went through Elkhart on my way home and then stopped to top off my tank in Grove before going home. 

Such a beautiful day and awesome time with great friends! Between my riding with them and my solo trips, I got in right around or over 200 miles. Yeehaw!!!

Oh and I ordered brake pads which will be here Tuesday, so hopefully we can get them replaced before my big trip Thursday to upper and lower Michigan.

© Tammy Ditter 2018