Jully 13 Escanaba

Today we made certain not to leave too early since we did not want to have the same issue as yesterday with needing to kill time before getting our rooms. Especially since we knew there wouldn’t be much of anything near our hotel. Yesterday worked out really well to check out the tourist traps!

So, we took our time getting ready and planned to try and see Ali and Brian in the morning before the ventured out for their plans for the day. We walked over to their hotel, two doors down from ours, and walked out to their extremely nice beachfront for a while. Then they headed out for their plans and we to our hotel to get packed up and head over to Darrow’s Family Restaurant near the tourist trap and Hwy 75 for breakfast before heading out and it was super good!

I looked for some back roads to venture off of Hwy 2 also the night before and we planned to take as many look outs as possible to help kill more time.

After paying to get off of the bridge, we stopped right away for gas and the bathroom. Seems as though I met my match for a pea-sized bladder. Haha!

We took the first overlook where you could see the bridge off in the distance and when we were leaving a couple of sporties went by motioning what I thought was a siren for police up ahead. Shortly after getting back onto Hwy 2 traffic was stopped and we could see tow truck lights up ahead. I’m guessing that was what they were trying to tell us about, and explains the ambulance I pulled over for before the overlook. We were at a stand still long enough that I killed my bike several times to keep it from over heating. We were at least next to the sand dunes, so it was cool scenery! Once we got close enough to pass, it turned out to be a pick up truck along the side of the road with its camper completely on its side. Bummer and hope everyone wasn’t hurt badly!

From there I missed my first side road as I wasn’t paying attention, but I didn’t miss the next one, River Cut Road, and it did not disappoint! Really nice and curvy. I also took every look out except one in the construction zone and the other one that we stopped at yesterday.

We decided to have ice cream for lunch again today at the Chocolate Shop store in Manistique and it was really good. We also stopped and walked out closer to the lighthouse there before continuing on Hwy 2.

Today the traffic wasn’t nearly as heavy on Hwy 2 as it was yesterday going to Mackinaw, and I let all of the crazy fast people by in the passing lanes.

At one point as we got closer to Manistique, you could really feel the southern breezes off of Lake Michigan and it felt oh so good! However, after we got away from the lake it really started too cook up again.

We arrived in Escanaba right around 3. Booked into our rooms, unloaded and went directly to the pool to cool off. After that I ordered pizza and wings for delivery from Jets and we ate it at a table around the pool. That was super yummy and I was super full!

Since we had great WiFi at the Super 8, I took advantage of touching up all of my photos from the past two days. 

One thing I noticed today and yesterday, is that I never had to clean my visor of bugs which was pretty impressive since we were along the water most of the time!

Today’s trip was 155 miles.

© Tammy Ditter 2018