Sept 18 Random Run

I did not take time to plan a route today and opted to wing it, as I know Kevin probably didn’t have a route in mind either. I met him at his place this time since he’s always meeting me and he thought that meant I wanted to head south. However, I was thinking more west or northwest to find some colors.

We did head south initially taking Cty K then west on F until we got near Break Neck Road. Both yesterday and today we came up on quite a few roads under Wisconsin reconstruction… tar & pea gravel. Low and behold, they had done this recently to Break Neck too and I was worried it would be all the way down the ledge, which could be treacherous. Lucky for us they stopped at the top of the ledge.

From there we took random roads until Hwy 151 to Hwy 26 and then Olden Rd which was pea graveled too; not completely, but most of it was so that took some of the fun out of that road.

I managed to find a gravel road near Rush Lake and although we could have gone another way, I decided to take it since it looked packed and I have never been on that road before. Always trying to find new roads. Well, it took us back to one of my faves… Cty M where we headed north and then took 91 to Berlin since I was getting pretty hungry. 

When we left Fondy it was sunny, very warm and muggy. Before getting to Berlin it became overcast and we were both wearing our airflow jackets and getting quite chilly. So, I was looking forward to getting off the bike for a while, but the restaurant had their A/C cranking. We stopped at the family restaurant (Lizzy’s) along the river and had breakfast and it was very good. On our way out of Berlin we stopped for gas and took E west and south, and then some other road into Neshkoro where we stopped by the old mill and dam.

From there we took N west and some other random roads. There were some spots with a lot of color which I would have loved to stop for photos, but it was on a really nice curvy road, we were clipping along pretty good and I think Kevin was getting irritated with my wanting to stop for photos. Understood because when I want to do so, I do it pretty abruptly.

From there we ended up on Hwy 23 into Princeton where we took Cty J to avoid the heavy traffic and then we took Olden out of Ripon, to M south and then Rose Eld Rd back to Hwy 23 to town.

We definitely are seeing more signs of fall with wildlife as well. We saw turkey hens with their poults almost fully grown, fawns without their spots and almost fully grown too, and sandhill cranes starting to gather for migration.

Not a whole lot of miles, but I think we were both ready to get home since we had things to do. 

I hope to get some people together next month for my annual Kettle Color Run, and would really like to get to Door County too for an overnight stay. Fingers crossed!

© Tammy Ditter 2018