Oct 29 Fox Lake/Pardeeville

Today was supposed to be sunny and into the sixties, which I totally didn’t expect, but definitely will not complain. With that said, I wanted to get in some more riding. I only had a couple of takers from the riding group this time: Kevin and Mark, and we did not have anyone drop off this ride. Although Kevin was contemplating doing just that to go hunting. However, he used his better judgement and decided not to. So, even though I didn’t have a completely planned route, I had an idea of where to head to after our lunch stop at Karen’s Hip Hop Diner in Fox Lake, and having Kevin along to help look for roads I wanted to take with his GPS was very helpful.

We took mostly back roads to get to Fox Lake, Cty D through Oakfield, Breakneck, back roads north of Eldorado Marsh, then 49 into Waupun and 68 out of Waupun to Cty F and then Blackhawk around the north end of actual Fox Lake. As usual, the food and service at Karen’s was excellent! While we were there a pretty good size group of Harley riders showed up and when we left, we noticed one of them had actual training wheels, and I’m not talking a trike. Although there was a custom trike in the group which had back tires about the same size as car tires. It was an older group as well, so none of this was a surprise, but it's not very often you see actual training wheels on a motorcycle.

From there we took Cty P west through Randolph and Cambria, then dropped south on Pardeeville Rd just before Pardeeville, with a bunch of other roads. Some I have been on before and quite a few I have not. We did end up linking back to part of Cty P in Cambria, but we took 146 north from there. At the stop sign on 146 and 68, Kevin pointed out a semi hauler was going to be turning left onto 146 and that I shouldn’t get right up to the stop sign, which I didn’t, but after that figured I best give him even more room. So, when Mark noticed, who was behind me, we both backed up around another 8 feet or so. Well, that almost wasn’t quite enough either. I literally could have reached out and touched the back end of his hauler when he turned. The guys were pretty shocked too. That certainly would have put an end to my riding this season.

From there it was mostly back roads zig-zagging back to Fondy and although it did get up to 64, it wasn’t quite warm enough for an ice-cream stop, and most of the beautiful leaves have already fallen, leaving mostly the rusty browns and a few yellows. According to my map we put in 129 miles today. Felt so good and this time I will admit I was speeding quite a bit on those back roads, kind of leaving the guys behind at times, but they always managed to catch back up just fine.

© Tammy Ditter 2018