July 9 Port Washington

Weather was supposed to be perfect for riding this weekend, 80s and low dew points. So I was hoping to make it to the Merrimac Ferry now that it was back open, but today the folks who wanted to join me couldn’t go all day. With that said, I planned a route to Port to stop for lunch and maybe walk out to the lighthouse. I also planned the route to pass right by Random Lake, in case Nancy could join us. Unfortunately she had other plans.

Today’s takers: Kevin, Brad, Kari, Emily and Randy. We met at my place and took Hwy 45 south out of town, then Cty B east and back roads into Dundee. From there we skirted around the Kettles on some pretty good windy roads, but not on Scenic Drive.

Since we had five bikes, I planned to stop for lunch at The Patio Bar which has it’s own parking lot vs. trying to find some place downtown where it would be too hard to get us all parked together. Due to time constraints, we didn’t walk to the lighthouse. However, I took us down by it so that Emily and Randy could at least see it since neither had been there before.

From there it was a bunch of back roads until near Slinger where we hooked up on Hwy 60 for a while and then back roads north of there and Hartford until we needed to get to downtown Hartford to stop for ice-cream at Scoop DeVille.

Everyone seemed to really enjoy the day/ride and it was so nice to have some more people.

© Tammy Ditter 2018