Oct 17 Holy Hill

It was going to be sunny and in the 60s today and so I had planned a ride to Holy Hill with hopes to see some good fall colors. However, we were still a bit early and not quite at peak yet in that area. 

Due to hunting plans for Keivn and a todo list for Alan, we did not have a lot of time. So we didn’t even stop for lunch anywhere. Also, none of my die-hard Packers fans wanted to miss the game. Even when I was a dyed-in-wool Packers fan, I still wouldn’t miss out on a day of riding to watch them play.

I met up with Kevin at his place just after 10. It was only in the 50s at that time, which made it a wee bit chilly at times on our ride down to West Bend to meet Alan. We met up with him at Micky’s on Hwy 33 and proceeded out of West Bend on Hwy 144 into Slinger and then taking some back roads to hook up on Scenic Drive east of Hartford. Eventually we connected on Hwy 83 to Hwy 167 where I always stop on Dublin Rd to take a long-distance photo of Holy Hill, but when we stopped I noticed my really good camera didn’t have an memory space although it didn’t have any photos on it. So, no really good photos from afar today of the Basilica. Bummer!

Holy Hill was packed when we arrived, but we still ventured up onto the deck. This time the steeple wasn’t open for going up to spectate. I presume because of the spread of the new Delta Variant was why. 

We took Carmel Road out of the Basilica which I have never been on before and a bunch of back roads southeast of there. With a planned ride on Hogsback Road. No luck with spotting the Goatman this time either! 

We thought about stopping for lunch, but realized that would get us back too late for Kevin to get to the farm to hunt.

We ended up going back on Hwy 144 to Bend and Alan stuck with us north of there until Badgerland Rd.

Very unusual for me to get back from a ride around 2 p.m., but it was a nice change even though it was probably the warmest point of the day.

I sure would like to get back there when the colors are at peak. However, next weekend doesn’t appear, at this point, or expecting to be warmer than the 50s.

And I sure as heck hope this wasn’t my last ride of the season either!!!

© Tammy Ditter 2018