New Years in Winona


I ended up celebrating Christmas with Dad & Canders over the New Years weekend since it worked out best for Lori to visit with them Christmas weekend, and I like it when we stretch out their visits since they are limited throughout the year. No worries for any travel issues. Just plain frigid with wind chills in the -30 degree range. I arrived around 1:30 on Saturday, December 30th and picked Canders up at the house before heading over to visit Dad. He was pretty sleepy, but we managed to keep him awake for opening up the gifts I brought for him. After that he wanted to lay down for a nap before dinner, which is when we left and grabbed some dinner out and then watched two movies at the house that evening. 

The following day Dad was still quite tired, but perked up for a couple of hours while we were there and I was able to get some pictures of us with our New Years party hats and tiara’s, including the Happy Birthday balloon for Lori’s birthday which is New Years Day. After that we returned to the house for dinner and watched a movie.

The next day I had to return so I visited with Dad in the morning until lunch-time. He was extremely sleepy that morning and not much at all for conversations. However he wanted to stay up for lunch which was good and I took him to the cafeteria before heading home. 

Great visit as usual, just could have used some warmer temps!

© Tammy Ditter 2018