March 2018 Winona

I hadn’t been to Winona since New Years weekend, so I took off on Friday, March 23 to head up there for a three day weekend. Weather was not an issue at all. Sunny almost all of the way. Just put on the cruise control and music, and away I went. I arrived there right around when Dad would be finished with lunch, so I picked up Candy at the house first. Dad was sleeping when we got there, but was able at least wake up to say hi, and then he slept the whole four hours we were there. That night Candy and I went out for Chinese. I was able to meet her new companion, Lucky, an orange tabby born with only one eye. He was such a cute and lovable guy. We had fun bonding and playing together.

On Saturday I visited Dad in the morning and he was awake and in the lounge. So I took him to his room for a while to visit and then downstairs to see the new baby birds in the aviary. Soon after that it was time for him to have lunch so I took him to the cafeteria on his floor before leaving. When I got back to the house I made breakfast for lunch for Candy and I. After that we went back out by Dad and had a really good visit with him because he was alert and in good spirits that afternoon, except right before he was going to lay down for a nap just before dinner. When he began to have one of his weepy and emotional episodes which always makes it so hard to leave when he is like this. The nurse was able to give him something to help calm him down, so that helped!

Sunday morning when I went to see him in the morning one more time before heading home he was in a dead sleep. This was pretty much expected though, because he is usually exhausted the next day after an emotional episode. I sat with him though for just over half an hour and at least was able to get him to say “hi” and “goodbye” to me. Weather home again was perfect for driving. Made it back in three hours and even took Hwy 82 & 23 the last leg of the way.

Another great visit and cannot wait to see them again!

© The Taminator 2015