March 2018 NE Trip

I was scheduled for a trip to several of our northeast facilities the week of March 12-16, and how lucky for us that Nor’easter #3 was due to hit the New England area while we were there. We arrived on Monday to our Watertown CT facility and spent most of the day there before just myself and another coworker, who I was going to be traveling with all week, headed to our hotel in Waterbury CT. The next day when I woke up it looked just wet out, but knew the Nor’easter was supposed to start overnight on Monday. By the time we left for our South Windsor CT location it had turned to snow. We only stayed at that location for a few hours since we still had to travel to East Syracuse NY and would be attempting to stay out in front of the storm. While going through the mountains it got a bit hairy, but my coworker persevered on and as we got into NY state the roads became increasingly better. Still on and off snow squalls the whole trip. The next day, Wednesday, we visited our facility there, but only for a few hours too since the storm was still coming our way and we needed to get to Harrisburg PA. Again we ran into on and off snow squalls, but nothing as treacherous as the day before. Actually had some pretty cool views, including spotting our Sonoco mainline pipeline project through the mountains. A bit of a ways before hitting Harrisburg it cleared up with no snow at all, not even on the ground. We spent all of Thursday there and part of Friday morning with still on and off snow showers before heading to the airport to fly home. So glad to come home!

© The Taminator 2015