September 6 - 9 Richland Center/Winona

Sunday, September 6 - Richland Center

We had planned to take a five day extended holiday weekend so that we could ride for a couple of days and then spend a couple of days, including Dad’s birthday, in Winona. However, I wanted to have one day out of the five off at home to run errands, go to the gym, grocery shop, do laundry and visit the pool for the last and final time before they close it, which is exactly what I did. So Kevin rode with Pete and Sue and I stayed behind on Saturday. Okay onto our ride Sunday to Richland Center where we planned to spend the night and do some riding after arriving on some of the awesome roads in southwestern Wisconsin. Upon arriving we looked for a ma & pa type local place to eat but only found one… The Center Cafe along Hwy 14 and their food was very good. After that we checked into our hotel, the Ramada White House where we would spend the night in Montana. After we unloaded we took off for an 80-90 mile ride north then west and south back to Richland Center. We immediately took advantage of the pool upon arrival before heading out to find some dinner and boy did that feel oh sooooo good! ;)

Monday, September 7 - Winona

It stormed and rained overnight so we took towels out to wipe down our bikes prior to eating breakfast at the Country Kitchen attached to the hotel. After breakfast, showering and loading the bikes back up we took off south out of Richland Center to Prairie Du Chien, then north on Hwy 27 and county roads to Bangor and north of there before heading west to Winona. After arriving in Winona we looked for some place for ice-cream downtown and found the Acoustic Cafe. After that we checked into the Days Inn and took a nap. Yes a nap, which felt oh soooo good too!  After that we went to visit Dad at the nursing home. He was somewhat sleepy and cranky, but he perked right up when the workers there asked him if he wanted his nightly ice-cream. Can’t blame him for that. 

Tuesday, September 8 - Winona

It was still raining when we woke up and continued for several hours, so we watched TV, surfed the Net, ate breakfast before going out to wipe down the bikes. Today was pretty much all about spending time with Dad and Candy, so no riding besides around town.

Wednesday, September 9 - Winona, Dad’s Birthday, and Heading Home

Well no rain this morning, so all we needed to do was eat breakfast, load up the bikes and head over to see Dad for his 79th birthday. We staged his room with our gift, card and balloon before I went to get him from the lounge. I think he was pleasantly surprised. He seemed really attentive and not sleepy so we took him to the park adjacent to the home where he and Candy had planted a memorial river birch tree so he could see how big it was getting. The weather was perfect for doing this too. The high temps and dew points were gone! After that we visited with Dad and Candy before heading home. I planned to take the highway and then interstate through La Crosse to Hwy 16 into Sparta where we took Hwy 71 to Hwy 131. When we got to Ontario, Kevin took Hwy 33 through Wildcat Mountain and I stayed on Hwy 131 to Cty F, and met back up with him beyond Wildcat. I didn’t want to take it from the west. Call me a wimp, but I don’t like testing my limits and going in that way is immediately uphill with sharp turns and some potholes. After we met back up on Hwy 33 we stayed on Cty F to FF into Hillsboro where we stopped at Barbies Kitchen for a sandwich. From there we continued on FF back to Hwy 33 all the way to Fox Lake and then Hwy 68 to 151 back home. 

I think it was around 650 miles total this trip. Maps and pictures below. Still waiting for some of Kevin’s pictures, so I may be adding more soon.

© The Taminator 2015